Total Recharge with PEMF
Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)
PEMF is a drug-free, non-invasive, pain-relief alternative treatment; using this specific process involves directing strong, pulsed energy waves toward damaged or injured areas of your body. These waves painlessly and quickly pass through the cells in the damaged area, raising the spin of the electrons contained within them as a result.
It’s this amplified electron spinning that restores the cell’s potential (its energy), regulating its volume at the same time. PEMF allows you to quickly bring cells back into electrical balance by increasing nutrient circulation and oxygen availability. PEMF can be beneficial for conditions such as insomnia, migraines, back pain, Chron’s disease, sciatica, tennis elbow, osteoporosis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, musculoskeletal disorders, postoperative pain, permanent injuries, back, neck, hip, and shoulder pain caused by tight muscles and fascia, accelerated bone healing, stress, anxiety, depression, and many others.
How PEMF Functions
Perhaps the easiest way to understand PEMF is to think in terms of every cell in your body as though it were a tiny battery. Like with any battery, occasionally your cells become tired and worn, whether due to age, stress, overuse, or damage, which makes it more challenging for them to fight any sort of potentially damaging force or illness.
Through PEMF treatment, your batteries (i.e. your cells) essentially become recharged. The energy supplied via PEMF waves gives them the energy they need to ward off whatever is threatening them, whether it is a trauma or disease-based threat. This makes it easier for your body to restore its health naturally, by simply using the electrical currents and impulses that are already interacting within and during their cells. In essence, a high-powered PEMF is like a “battery recharger” to your depleted cells.
Does it hurt?
No, you will feel a gentle pulsing or tapping. Many times our clients doze off during their sessions.
How long is a PEMF session?
Depending on your wellness challenges, we may recommend 30, 60, or 90-minute sessions. The best place to start is with three, 1-hour sessions within 10 days or less.
How will I feel after a session?
Most people report feeling great! If you feel tired or achy after your session, that may be an indication that many toxins were released from your cells during your session. Please let your technician know so that your next session can be gentler. If you feel bad after your session, call us right away for a complimentary “low & slow” where we will support your body with the detox process for 15-20 minutes in our PEMF chair.
Is PEMF FDA approved?
Yes, the FDA first approved PEMF technology for bone loss in 1979 and over the years, has continued to add more indications.
Great for all ages!
See PEMF in Action