Perform a full body 3D scan to view 3D models, extract millions of measurements, track changes in body shape, and calculate fitness and metrics so you can implement them in your wellness journey.

Image of a person standing on a Styku body scanner platform used for 3D body scanning and measurement.

Scanning is simple. Simply stand on the turntable and hold still for 30 seconds, while the platform spins. With its razor-sharp high-resolution infrared images, our technology captures millions of data points in a matter of seconds in a fast, non-invasive process.

Benefits of 3D Body Scan:

-Comprehensive look into your body, including subcutaneous fat measurements, body fat measurements, and circumference measurements of body cross-sections

-A customized workout plan will be tailored just for you and your body type.

-You do not have to worry about guessing how much weight you should lift or how many calories you should burn